The MOOVAGO website, as well as these legal notices, are subject to the french law.
Bd des Arandelles 79180 Chauray
Email : contact[@]
MOOVAGO is careful to respect of the legal obligations resulting from the law n ° 78-17 of January the 6th, 1978, relating to data processing, files and freedoms and endeavors to follow regarding to the recommendations of french organism, the CNIL.
This website complies with declaration exemption n°7 adopted by the CNIL by Deliberation n°2006-138 of May 9, 2006, deciding on the exemption to declare treatments constituted for information of external communication purposes. The personal data collected through forms on this website are solely intended for MOOVAGO, to take into account and follow up on your request. They will not be communicated to any other organization. In accordance with law 78-17 of January the 6th, 1978, you have a right of access, rectification and deletion that you can exercise at any time by reaching out to :
MOOVAGO, Bd des Arandelles 79180 Chauray, or to contact[@]
The respect or your privacy and the security of your personal data are directed by our GDPR compliant privacy policy.
Using our site indicates that you agree to our terms of collection, processing and storage described below.
We remind you that you can manage your newsletter’s subscription at any time via the unsubscribe links in each of the emails received.
As part of the use of our website, we may ask you to provide us with personal data.
The expression “personal data” refers to all the data which makes identifying an individual possible by aggregation. This includes your e-mail address and any other information that we may request from you and that you choose to provide to us.
The purpose of the privacy policy is to inform you of the nature of the data collected as well as their use and the means available to you to modify them.
The purpose of collecting this data is to provide you with the best possible quality of service. We may also use this data to send you informative emails. The processing is then based on our legitimate interest in informing you and developing our activity.
Optimization & service security
The collected date aims to optimize our platform’s services et ensure its security to :
The following data is collected for communication purposes:
In the event you do not wish it, we give you the possibility of expressing your refusal when collecting your data, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. We are also likely to use your data to send you messages that may be of interest to you on social media platforms or third-party sites. If you would like more information on this subject, we invite you to read our general conditions of use.
Data collected and transfered directly
Data required to create a contract :
Data collected and transfered automatically
During each of your visits, we may collect, in accordance with applicable legislation and with your consent, information relating to the devices on which you use our services or the networks from which you access our services, such as your addresses. IP, connection data, types and versions of internet browsers used, types and versions of your browser plugins, operating systems and platforms, as well as data concerning your browsing path on our platform.
Data retention duration
Your personal data will not be kept beyond the time strictly necessary for the management of our relationship as part of our missions; however, the data establishing proof of a right or a contract will be kept according to the law, for the period it allows.
Regarding possible communication operations and in accordance with the legislation, your data may be kept for a period of three years after the end of our business relationship.
At the end of this period of three 3 years, we may contact you again only to find out if you wish to continue to receive our information. The information allowing your right of opposition to be taken into account is kept for a minimum of three years (3 years) from the exercise of the right of opposition.
Regarding the audience measurement statistics, the information stored in users’ terminals or any other element used to identify users and allowing their traceability or attendance will not be kept for more than thirteen months (13 months).
Data recipients
Our various departments may have access to some of your data.
We only share your data with third parties in the following cases:
When we use search engine providers, social media platforms and analytics solutions to improve and optimize our site. If you would like more information on this subject, we invite you to read the general conditions of use of this platform.
What are your rights regarding your personal data?
You can oppose any type of processing defined in this document for legitimate reasons, either when we collect you data, or by contacting us later (right of opposition).
You can request that the processing of your personal data is limited, only in the cases provided for by law (right to restrict processing):
You can request that we provide you with all the personal data we have about you (right of access). You can then take the opportunity to check their accuracy and have them rectified (right to rectification) or erased (right to erasure) if necessary.
You can retrieve the personal data that you have provided in an open and machine-readable format in order to store it for your personal use or to communicate it to another data controller (right to portability).
You have the right to define directives relating to the storage, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death.
These directives can be general, that is to say that they then relate to all the personal data which concern you. In this case, they must be registered with a digital trusted third party certified by the CNIL.
Guidelines may also be specific to the data we process. You should then send them to us at the following coordinates:
By sending us such instructions, you expressly give your consent for these instructions to be stored, transmitted and executed in the manner provided herein.
You can designate in your directives a person in charge of their execution. This will then have the capacity, when you are deceased, to read the said directives and ask us to implement them. In the absence of designation, your heirs will have the capacity to read your directives upon your death and ask us to implement them.
You can modify or revoke your directives at any time, by writing to us at the contact details above. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority or to obtain compensation from the competent courts if you consider that we man not have not respected your rights.
Before responding to your request, we may verify your identity and ask you to provide us with more information. We will endeavor to respond to your request within a reasonable time and, in any event, within the time limits set by law. If you wish to exercise this right, contact us as indicated above.
The content of this website is the property of MOOVAGO. You have the authorization to use the data it contains for your personal non-commercial use only, which excludes any commercial exploitation at a local, national or international level.
Website hosting :
OVH – RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
APE code 6202A
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Head office : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
MOOVAGO makes every effort to provide this website users with information and services compliant to the regulations.
However, it cannot be held responsible for the lack of availability of this website and the services it offers, or for the presence of bugs.
Whenever you need, please contact MOOVAGO at the following email address: contact[@]
The MOOVAGO website may offer links to other sites as a convenience. MOOVAGO cannot be be held responsible in any way for the content of these sites. The establishment of a hypertext link from another website to MOOVAGO must be the subject to prior information.
When you arrive on the MOOVAGO website, several cookies are installed on your hard drive. These cookies are small text files, which cannot hide bugs or be executed. They do not contain personal data.
Their presence enables us to :
The MOOVAGO website use cookies.
The CNIL (National Commission for Computing and Liberties) wanted Internet users to be informed of the role of these cookies but also to know how to manage them (accept them, refuse them, delete them).
Here you will find these explanations in simple terms, accompanied by step-by-step instructions to better manage these cookies.
A cookie is a small text file placed on your computer by the websites you visit. Each site can submit several. These are connection cookies, mainly allowing you to be recognized during your visit to the site. Your internet browser manages cookies (and allows you to delete them according to your wishes, see the paragraph dedicated to this subject, below).
Cookies most often contain a single element: a unique and anonymous identifier.
It allows web servers to secure your browsing (see session cookies paragraph).
It allows the various audience measurement software to correctly count your visit and recognize you when you return to the site (see audience measurement cookies paragraph).
Here is the description of the cookies present on
Audience measurement cookies
They allow the audience measurement software that we use to recognize you and to make a link between you (anonymously) and your location, your hours of passage, the sites, pages and services that you have consulted or the characteristics of the device you use. These elements guide us in improving our services and information provided on our site.
The session cookie
When you access our website, a secure space is created on our server. This is the browsing session. It’s a kind of bubble, temporary, that only you can occupy. It is necessary to access the online services contained in our website.
The session cookie placed on your browser is the key allowing you to access this bubble. As long as the bubble exists (your session, therefore), cookies allow you to continue browsing these pages.
If you quit your browser or remain inactive on the site for too long, the bubble bursts. The cookie is still there but it has no more bubble to open.
When you authenticate yourself as a member (for example, with your username and password), it gives you additional access, within this bubble, to the protected pages of the site (your personal space, consultation of your contracts, etc.).
The “I accept cookies” cookie
When you visit our website, a message is displayed to inform you that continuing to browse implies acceptance of MOOVAGO cookies. So that we can memorize your choice and no longer present this information message to you, we must place a new cookie on your computer.